“For one weekend, we are all on the same team exchanging ideas and practices to make each other better.”
May 3 – 4, 2021
For College Assistant Coaches at ‘all’ levels of their career that consider themselves ‘Life-Long Learners’ who want to learn from the Profession’s Best and for those considering College Coaching
Become an asset to your head coach, pick up new drills, learn how to strengthen relationships across campus, become more relatable to recruits and gain new insight on how to motivate your most valuable assets on your team - your current student athletes.
May 6 – 7, 2021
During the ‘Virtual’ Space in 2021 - Registration is Open to ALL Aspiring Head Coaches
Designed for assistant coaches with seven (7) years or more of ‘college’ basketball assistant coaching experience who are preparing for the NEXT STEP in their coaching careers – the role of Head Coach.
May 17 – 18, 2021
For Current and Former
College Head Coaches
Our HCELA explores new management and leadership trends, best practices on developing talent and empowering people, inspiring collaboration and teamwork, mastering the art of fund development and ideas regarding how to leverage relationships for better results.